Wildlife Photography

Moose Peterson's Guide to Wildlife Photography :
Conventional and Digital Techniques

Moose knows and has taught more about wildlife photography than anyone else. If you've never read his books on the subject, you owe it to yourself to get started. Even if you have read the older editions, the new one is chock full of updates for shooting digital. If you are a wildlife photographer this is probably the most important photography book you can own.--David 

Wildlife Photography:  Getting Started in the Field, B. Moose Peterson. (*****)  Everything you need to get started--from the exotic to the practical.  While I've read over a dozen books on wildlife photography of one sort or another, this one has the most useful combination of information.  In particular the sections on how to get started in your own backyard are uniquely valuable for almost anyone.

Nikon Guide to Wildlife Photography. Moose Peterson, (****)  Another valuable book by Moose.  I'd start with his other work--Getting Started in the Field--but the Nikon Guide has enough different information to make it valuable in addition.

Photographing on Safari:  Joe McDonald.  (****)  A nifty paperback packed with tips you can use on Safari.  An excellent and detailed description of the practical issues of taking photographs on an African safari.  A must have for the budding Livingstone.  Unfortunately it now seems to be out of print, so it may be difficult to find.

For bird photography, Art Morris has a great selection, from thin pamphlets packed with hints to larger format volumes with extensive detail.

Related Books for those traveling to Southern Africa:

The Safari Companion: An extremely detailed guide to the behavior of animal species in Africa.  Not a general purpose guide to the animals, but a good companion for the serious student who wants to learn more about the details of how species eat, breed, and migrate.

In The Lion's Den:  Lots of good lion pics.  This book won't teach you, but you can learn from the photos.

Hunting with the Moon:  Lions of Savuti:  Lots of good lion pics.

Okavango:  Africa's Last Eden: 

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